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Study the Performance of Fountain Codes in Wireless Communication Systems
Journal of Computer Science IJCSIS
In wireless, satellite, and space communication systems reducing error is critical. High bit error rates of the wireless communication system require employing various coding methods on the data transferred. To address the large latency and degraded network throughput due to the retransmission triggered by frame loss in high speed wireless networks, the purpose of this paper is to study and investigate the performance of fountain codes that is used to encode and decode the data stream in digital communication. This solution intelligently encodes a number of redundant frames from original frames upon link loss rate so that a receiver can effectively recover lost original frames without significant retransmissions. Since then, many digital Fountain coding methods have been invented such as Tornado codes, Luby transform (LT) codes and Raptor codes.
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Fountain Code Based Encoding Scheme for Erasure Channels
International Journal of Advance Research in Computer Science and Management Studies [IJARCSMS]
the spectral efficiency. The OFDM system is implemented in practice using the discrete fourier transform (DFT). Recall from signals and systems theory that the sinusoids of the DFT forms an orthogonal basis set and a signal in the vector space of the
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Fountain Codes: LT And Raptor Codes Implementation
IJERA Journal
Digital fountain codes are a new class of random error correcting codes designed for efficient and reliable data delivery over erasure channels such as internet. These codes were developed to provide robustness against erasures in a way that resembles a fountain of water. A digital fountain is rateless in a way that sender can send limitless number of encoded packets. The receiver doesn't care which packets are received or lost as long as the receiver gets enough packets to recover original data. In this paper, the design of the fountain codes is explored with its implementation of the encoding and decoding algorithm so that the performance in terms of encoding/decoding symbols, reception overhead, data length, and failure probability is studied.
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Performance of Combined Fountain Code with Network Coding Over Wireless Channels
Abdulkareem Kadhim
Recent advances in sparse graph codes have led to the proposal of fountain coding (FC). It becomes as an error correction coding scheme of choice for many multicasting and broadcasting systems. Network coding (NC) is used in modern wireless communication networks in order to gain throughput and some other advantages. In this paper, NC is used in conjunction with FC in order to obtain advantages of both techniques. A simple packet based network coding for butterfly network topology with FC is modelled and simulated. The system is tested over different wireless fading channel models and with different FC-NC arrangements.The results of the tests have shown that combined FC and NC techniques improve throughput over the original system without FC by more than (70%) at relatively low signal-to-noise power ratios for the considered models of wireless channels. An optimum bit error rate performance (zero error) is achieved using the combined FC with NC over the original system (i.e using NC...
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Overlapped Fountain Coding: Design and Analysis
Khaled Hayajneh
The concept of fountain codes has gained considerable attention in the past few years due to its simplicity, reliability, and feasibility. Nowadays, fountain codes are used in many applications including, but not limited to, data storage, data broadcasting, and point-to-point communications. While traditional fountain codes achieve the channel capacity over the binary erasure channel universally and asymptotically, they offer much room for improvement over other channels, architectures, and regimes. With the development of new technologies for smart cities and the Internet-of-Things (IoT), data transmission methodologies with arguably the highest level of flexibility and adaptability are required. With these technologies, the end users have a very diverse set of capabilities in terms of memory, power, and processing. Besides, the end users are connected via a wide range of links with various qualities and capacities. As a result, the required methodologies must provide a comprehensi...
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On the Flooding Overhead of Fountain Codes in Wireless Sensor Networks
Claire Goursaud
This paper concentrates on the proper use of fountain codes for the transmission of sporadic data in a wireless sensor network (WSN). Fountain codes oer great perspectives for the self-organization of WSNs: they self adapt to the channel error rate without any control data. When deploying fountain codes on a WSN, two problems arise. First, the size of the data transmitted by a sensor is small in comparison to the size considered traditionally with fountain codes. The analysis of the decoding overhead for fountain codes is often done for large data. Second, the communications are done in an hop-by-hop fashion. It implies that the destination of the data can not acknowledge instantaneously its reception to the source. Therefore, the transmissions of useless packets for the destination can not be prevented. The impact of this ooding trac is analyzed. It depends on the data size k and on number of hops n between the source and the destination. Our work can be viewed as the networking counterpart of the results presented by Pakzad and al. at ISIT 2005 applied to WSNs. The context of our study is a line network, i.e. a cascade of n erasure channels. The ooding trac has been evaluated as well through realistic simulations for three dierent relaying strategies where packets are lost due to both small scale fading and collisions for an unslotted IEEE 802.15.4 medium access layer.
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The performance evaluation of fountain codes with feedback in cooperative systems
Azizollah Jamshidi
2013 21st Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), 2013
In this paper a new strategy of fountain code transmission over cooperative relay networks is proposed. The rateless characteristic of fountain codes makes them suitable for sending data over erasure channels. In addition, the presence of relay nodes can help to improve the performance. Until now, traditional rateless codes, rarely use feedback communication channels between receivers and broadcasters, a feature that is available in many wireless settings and helps to have better performance. Thus, in this paper we provide a feedback channel between the destination and the relay in order to help the relay to have more efficient transmissions. It ends to decrease the overall overhead in transmission over erasure channels. Thereby, significant savings in time and energy are obtained.
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Unequal Error Protection Using Fountain Codes With Applications to Video Communication
Shakeel Ahmad
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2011
Application-layer forward error correction (FEC) is used in many multimedia communication systems to address the problem of packet loss in lossy packet networks. One powerful form of application-layer FEC is unequal error protection which protects the information symbols according to their importance. We propose a method for unequal error protection with a Fountain code. When the information symbols were partitioned into two protection classes (most important and least important), our method required a smaller transmission bit budget to achieve low bit error rates compared to the two state of the art techniques. We also compared our method to the two state of the art techniques for video unicast and multicast over a lossy network. Simulations for the scalable video coding (SVC) extension of the H.264/AVC standard showed that our method required a smaller transmission bit budget to achieve high quality video. EDICS: 5-HIDE. Index terms: Fountain codes, unequal error protection, video transmission. I. INTRODUCTION Many multimedia communication systems use application layer forward error correction (FEC) to deal with the problem of packet loss in networks that do not guarantee quality of service. One important class of FEC codes are Fountain codes [1], [2], [3]. Fountain codes are FEC erasure codes with two main advantages over conventional erasure codes such as Reed-Solomon codes. First, Fountain codes have a much lower encoding and decoding complexity. Second, whereas conventional erasure codes have a fixed code rate that must be chosen before the encoding begins, Fountain codes are rateless in the sense that
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Near-Capacity Adaptive Analog Fountain Codes for Wireless Channels
Mahyar Shirvanimoghaddam
IEEE Communications Letters, 2000
In this paper, we propose a capacity-approaching analog fountain code (AFC) for wireless channels. In AFC, the number of generated coded symbols is potentially limitless. In contrast to the conventional binary rateless codes, each coded symbol in AFC is a real-valued symbol, generated as a weighted sum of d randomly selected information bits, where d and the weight coefficients are randomly selected from predefined probability mass functions. The coded symbols are then directly transmitted through wireless channels. We analyze the error probability of AFC and design the weight set to minimize the error probability. Simulation results show that AFC achieves the capacity of the Gaussian channel in a wide range of signal to noise ratio (SNR).
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Linearly-Coupled Fountain Codes
Soung-chang Liew
Network-coded multiple access (NCMA) is a communication scheme for wireless multiple-access networks where physical-layer network coding (PNC) is employed. In NCMA, a user encodes and spreads its message into multiple packets. Time is slotted and multiple users transmit packets (one packet each) simultaneously in each timeslot. A sink node aims to decode the messages of all the users from the sequence of receptions over successive timeslots. For each timeslot, the NCMA receiver recovers multiple linear combinations of the packets transmitted in that timeslot, forming a system of linear equations. Different systems of linear equations are recovered in different timeslots. A message decoder then recovers the original messages of all the users by jointly solving multiple systems of linear equations obtained over different timeslots. We propose a low-complexity digital fountain approach for this coding problem, where each source node encodes its message into a sequence of packets using a fountain code. The aforementioned systems of linear equations recovered by the NCMA receiver effectively couple these fountain codes together. We refer to the coupling of the fountain codes as a linearly-coupled (LC) fountain code. The ordinary belief propagation (BP) decoding algorithm for conventional fountain codes is not optimal for LC fountain codes. We propose a batched BP decoding algorithm and analyze the convergence of the algorithm for general LC fountain codes. We demonstrate how to optimize the degree distributions and show by numerical results that the achievable rate region is nearly optimal. Our approach significantly reduces the decoding complexity compared with the previous NCMA schemes based on Reed-Solomon codes and random linear codes, and hence has the potential to increase throughput and decrease delay in computation-limited NCMA systems. I. INTRODUCTION Consider a wireless multiple-access network where L source nodes (users) deliver information to a sink node through a common wireless channel. Each source node encodes its message into multiple packets and transmits these packets sequentially over successive timeslots. All the transmissions start at the beginning of a timeslot, and the timeslots are long enough to complete the transmission of a packet. Multiple access in such scenarios, where the goal of the sink node is to decode the messages of all source nodes, can benefit from physical-layer network coding (PNC) [1] (also known as compute-and-forward [2]) by decoding linear combinations of the packets simultaneously transmitted in each timeslot. Such a multiple-access scheme is called network-coded multiple access (NCMA) and has been studied in [3]-[5], where both PNC and multiuser This paper will be presented in part at 2014 IEEE Information Theory Workshop.
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